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Cole K


Cole K.

Scholarship Reception

Essex County Youth Building

Topsfield, Ma

June 26, 2018


Cole K. of Wakefield, MA was selected for an Essex County Youth Foundation Scholarship. He is receiving the Harold and Doris Cleary Memorial 4-H Scholarship. Cole is a graduate of Wakefield Memorial High School. He will be attending one of five potential schools of higher education this fall to pursue a degree in Mechanical Engineering. 


Cole's involvement with 4-H over the last nine years has been substantial. Beginning with his early participation in the "Massachusetts Manic 4-H Club", in which he held the position of Treasurer for five years. He also has had several officer positions in the "Funky Foto Friends 4-H Club". He ability to communicate, not only helped him win several first-place finishes in the Massachusetts 4-H state level Visual Presentations competitions, but also helped him in the leading of meetings and projects in these 4-H clubs as well. Cole represented Massachusetts 4-H at the 4-H National Congress and 4-H National Conference. He has also presented at the Big E Fair since 2012.


The past four years Cole has been a member of "Great Scott's 4-H Rabbit and Cavy Club". During his time in 4-H he has served capably in multiple positions including his current position as Club President. He has also participated in community service events at the New England School for the Deaf and various elder care homes with his rabbit. Cole has been described as an excellent public speaker, a keen learner, a role model to the younger club members and an asset to those involved in 4-H.

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