Rebecca W.

Rebecca W.
Scholarship Reception
Essex County Youth Building
Topsfield, Ma
June 27, 2014
Rebecca W. of Middleton MA was selected for an Essex County Youth Foundation Leadership Scholarship. She is receiving the Harold and Doris Cleary Memorial Scholarship. Rebecca is a graduate of Masconomet Regional High School and will be pursuing a degree in Elementary/Special Education. Her path to this pursuit began when she had an opportunity to observe a special needs group for a day at the water park where she worked as a lifeguard. That day influenced her to become more involved and lead her being a one-on-one swim instructor one day a week for a nonverbal and autistic 6 year old boy. She found she absolutely loved it and knew that she wanted to build her life around this kind of profession. Rebecca is also notably active in her church's youth group. In addition to playing a vital leadership role at the church's Vacation Bible School, she has traveled to many service projects and mission trips. On two separate trips to the Bowery Mission she was described as selflessly caring for and serving the homeless and poverty stricken in New York City.