Alexis S.
Scholarship Reception
Essex County Youth Building
Topsfield, Ma
June 28, 2014
Alexis S. of Peabody, MA was selected for an Essex County Youth Foundation 4H Scholarship. She is receiving the Henry and Ruth Nason Memorial Scholarship. Alexis is a graduate of Essex Agricultural and Technical Technical High School and will be pursuing studies in Equine Science and Management. Her goal is to achieve a degree in veterinary science. While she loved working with, riding, helping and learning about horses, it was a visit to an Equine Rehabilitation Center that lead her strong desire to be an equine veterinarian. Alexis cares for an successfully shows animals in several categories. She is an active member of both the FFA and 4H. In the FFA, she has held offices of Jr. Secretary and Chapter Secretary for the Essex Chapter FFA. She is currently the Club President of Great Scott's 4H Rabbit and Cavy Club. Over the years, she has held numerous awards for her Visual Presentations. In Visual Presentation, she has competed at the State Level and beyond it to the Big 'E' quality presentation. As a sophomore, Alexis was chosen by her school to be a mentor and was sent to the Edge of Leadership Camp in Vermont to learn about improving the school community.