Morgan O’Sullivan-Place has been awarded the Essex County Youth
Foundation’s Charles and Dorothy Blanchard 2023 Leadership
Morgans’ leadership in 4-H has grown over the past ten years. Her
involvement started with Tickets in 2013, followed by the news reporter
position. Then came Junior Leader in 2017, Vice President in 2018 and as
President in 2019 and 2020. She also held the position of Vice Chair of
the Junior Leader Cabinet in 2020 and Chair in 2021. She was at the
show Superintendent for Spring and Fall shows.
References tell of Morgans’ leadership growth during her time at Essex
North. She works well with people of all ages and has a great work ethic.
She has a positive outlook and has a confidence about her that is sensed
by both the people and horses she works with.
Morgans’ belief that her becoming a well rounded person had to include
an appreciation for “hard work, dedication, and responsibility” is core to
her values and has been enhanced by her participation in FFA and 4-H.
Morgan lives in Rockport and attends Essex North Shore Agricultural and
Technical School. She will be attending the University of Finlay in the fall
and will be majoring in English Riding and Training/Equine Business