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Elizabeth M

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Elizabeth M.

Scholarship Reception

Essex County Youth Building

Topsfield, MA

June 28, 2016


Elizabeth M. of Peabody, MA was selected for an Essex County Youth Foundation Leadership Scholarship. She is receiving the Charles and Dorothy Blanchard Memorial Scholarship. Elizabeth is a graduate of Essex Tech High School. She plans to attend the University of New Hampshire and major in Veterinary Technology. She has always loved animals and has already received veterinary training through her agricultural school. It is noteworthy that at that school, only top students are allowed to challenge this program. While attending this school Elizabeth won Perfect Attendance Awards, Honors Awards, a Highest Honors Award, and a Work Ethic Award.


Elizabeth's teachers describe her as personable, intelligent and hard worker. She faces challenges head on and is able to work through situations that others would find overwhelming. She is further described by her church as a naturally caring person with a strong helping orientation. They confirm her participation in many community service events over the past several years.


Elizabeth attributes many of her leadership skills to the increasing responsibilities she took on in her passion for dancing. she has been dancing for over 16 years and a member of Chiampa Dance Center since 2007. She has been a studio demonstrator since age 9. She graduated as an instructor from a 3 year program at a Dance Teachers Training School in Boston. Elizabeth has actually been part of an excellent performance with the Chiampa Dance Center group in our Youth Building during every Topsfield Fair since 2012.

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